Roof Leaking

Malaysia is known as a tropical country that experienced hot and humid weather throughout the year. The climate did not only affect the people but also the surroundings. Thus, not only that people need to be protected from the weather, buildings also need weather-proofing protection installed to them.

Metal Roof leakages may cause by many reasons and it is a severe problem as the leaking liquid threaten your assets and properties. A leaking metal roof is a significant signal, facilities manager or owner shouldn’t ignore, this is because minor leaks may lead to major leakage faster than you can expect.

When your metal roof start to leak, that means there are compromised passage that allow liquid to pass through, there might be cracks, holes or gaps at panels, seams, rusted fasteners, hardened rubber washer, joints and transitions.

After you discovered your metal roofing is leaking, without any further delay you should get a metal roofing professional like us to handle and stop it. Quality treatment is a must if you don’t want the same problem to hit you again. Let us tell you why you should take action as soon as you know your roof is leaking, the main point here is you can SAVE A Lot Of Money at the early stage!
We all know most cancers have 4 stages right? Which stage would you start treating it? The answer is obvious! The earlier stage the better as it has the highest chance of recovery and the most important is the cost is much less when you treat it at the earliest stage possible. The Same concept applies for your Leaking Metal Roof too!

At the early stages of treating your leaking roof, normal repair, tighten loose joint, replacement of rusted fastener, airtight & watertight roofing sealant and waterproofing coating will terminate any leakages.

One of the major cause for leaking is fastener movements. The harsh weather can cause the fasteners that bind the roof to loosen and back out. The roof panels can expand and contract due to the changes in temperature and cause holes in the roof to elongate and loosen. Sometimes it is not easy to locate the holes that causing the leaks since metal panels allow the moisture trapped to travel along the panel edge, hence the leaks will appear far from their source.

If the roof is at a critical stage where the metal roof is seriously rusted, torn, weak and the roof soffit is compromised by rust, partial or larger area of roof panel replacement is required.

Metal roof leaking can be categorized by 2 inducing causes, the workmanship cause and the nature weathering cause. Some roofing contractor are not highly professional and has bad quality control in their metal roofing installation processes, it might not leak at the first few years but this can lead to leakages in a long run. Malaysia has harsh weathering challenges, rust is the major war metal roofing is fighting day in day out, the most common metal roofing problems in M’sia is rusted metal roof which mainly lead to leakage if the roof is not being treated correctly.

Metal roof rusting occurs when the steel becomes too exposed to high level of humidity and oxygen. It is important to treat the rusty roof before it is too late and the leaking becomes unbearable and the roof can no longer be used. The cost of buying and installing a new roof is higher than repairing it. Therefore, it is important to find a proper contractor to solve a roof leakage problem because the roof leaking issue should be treated properly by the trained contractors. Improper construction methods could lead to more roof leaking problems. For instance, if the roof penetrations are left unprotected, the risk of having leaks are high.

Metal Roof Doctor will always encourage roof coating treatment for leakages as the coating can seal up any opening that cause leaking, the coating material fill up the gaps, joints, seams, make your roof watertight and give you fantastic seamless roofing as the end result.

At METAL ROOF DOCTOR, we have the trained and skilled contractors that have been dealing to end the roof leaking problems for years. For more information about roof leaking and other roof related problems, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always at your service.