Roof Anti Rust Coating

Let’s think about this scenario: You install a metal roof on your building and you leave it be. After 10 years the roof still looks great; at 15 years, red and brown patches appear on the surface; after 20 years you find it ‘pitting’ and flaking. If by this point, you have not done anything to rectify the situation; your metal roof won’t be around to celebrate its 30th birthday. Many people disregard the severity of rusting on their metal roof and only realize its importance after they’ve spent a fortune on roof replacements.

Our roofing experts at Metal Roof Doctor highly recommend that customers start investing in anti-rust services and metal roof maintenance after its installation. The most effective method of preventing metal deterioration is by opting for an anti-rust coating. Anti-rust coating works as a sacrificial layer. It will act primarily as a barrier impermeable to oxygen and water, which are the oxidizing agents leading to the formation of the unsightly rust. Its secondary function is to oxidize in place of the original metal; hence reducing chances of rusting on the surface. Moreover, the coating itself is highly resistant to corrosion and has great durability. Applying anti-rust coating also allows your roof to have a brighter and cleaner appearance.

Another important feature that anti-rust coating has is the ability to extend the lifetime of your roofing. The more rust resistant you make your roofing be, the longer it’ll survive in the environment. Business owners and industrialist who are looking for a cost friendly way to invest and maintain the quality of their roofing should consider this service. In the long run, you’ll find that this alternative is actually very profitable as you won’t have to spend on replacing your roofing.

Metal Roof Doctor provides our clients 2 category of Metal Roof Anti Rust Coating which is: Rust Preventive Coating & Rust Corrective Coating.

Anti-Rust Preventive Coating

The need of Rust Preventive Coating is to protect your metal roof surfaces against rust formation, this can greatly increase your metal roofs service lifespan and performance as the metal sheets roofing is well preserve from the main factor that causes it become fragile and weak –  the evil RUST.

Anti-Rust Corrective Coating

Rust Corrective Coating is normally an application to roofing that already compromised and being consumed by oxidation. This anti-rust treatment is to correct the situation by removing the metal oxide and coat the metal surface to halt the rusting process, the rust spreading and finally make your roof completely rust free. It is our responsibility to provide you with quality rust proofing coating to stop sunlight, ozone, moisture, chemicals and fumes from continuously attacking your rusty and damaging roof hence put a serious NO Entry sign to further rusting.

Would you like to keep your roof for a longer time and reap the benefits through saved time and money? Get Our Anti Rust Coating service for your Metal Roof Today! We are more than happy to help you make the best out of your roofing! Contact us now at 017-485 8073.