Completed Project Reference

See how we coat your metal roof soffit in this video. Normally people won’t pay much attention to the bottom side of the metal roof which is also rusted. This is a big headache for businesses, because the project is more difficult to carry out due to either there are production activities being carried out beneath the roof or there are merchandise that requires a lot of effort to move away. The metal roof soffit continues to rust and roof replacement become a must later. We dismantle your roofing panel on the roof top, coat the bottom surface, fix them bac then coat the top surface, with both side of the roofing sheet coated, the shielding is enough to protect your roof from rust, corrosion and leaking. You don’t need to replacement your metal roof actually, if you did it before, you won’t need to do it Anymore! We coat your roof soffit on the roof top, you are reading it correctly!

You will see how our anti-corrosion protective coating systems win the fight in a very harsh and corrosive environment. For rubber or latex gloves production, here is a process called Chlorination. Chlorine is a highly corrosive mixture when there is water or moist air, it forms hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids when it dissolves and reacts with water. You will see we carried out a test by hanging our coated steel and un-coated steel specimens over the chlorination tank. The uncoated steel start to rust on the 1st day and the coated rusted steel still remain in a good condition until the end of the test.

In this video, you can that see we are working on the building maintenance project – Anti Rust Coating for the aged & rusted vertical metal wall cladding. Invest in a cost effective & better maintenance coating for your metal cladding will be much more beneficial than replacing them directly.