Polyurea Coating

Industrial facilities including metal surfaces and roofing that is susceptible to the moist environment will experience rust and corrosion. Such scenario is harmful to your industrial facilities and also your workers considering their safety is threatened by a lack of strong polyurea coating for your facilities.

Polyurea is a type of polymer material that is derived from step-growth polymerization which involves the reaction of synthetic resin and isocyanate-reactive materials. It is widely used in the lining of surfaces like metal that is prone to the action of rust and corrosion as it provides a strong resistance to corrosion and abrasion alike. Besides, polyurea has a fast setting property that dries up quickly, resistant to environmental and surrounding attack as well as high durability and flexibility. It is most widely used to protect against roofing problems in several fields due to its high-quality characteristics that could last for a long time.

In fact, polyurea coating could provide you a lot of benefits such as:

  • It has fast set properties that will dry up in a short time after being applied, enabling the subsequent layer of paint to be applied on top or for service purposes.
  • It is chemical and abrasion resistant to protect the roofing or surface of your industrial facilities.
  • Protect your properties from the harm of the environment and moisture in the air (moisture insensitivity).
  • It has thermal insulation and thermal resistance properties that will prevent the accumulation of heat.
  • It is environmental friendly which ensures the health and safety of your workers are not compromised.
  • It has sound waterproofing properties and is waterproof which is essential to prevent leakage in your industrial properties.

Polyurea coating is one of the cleanest coating techniques and could be considered as a green technique which does no harm to the environment as no volatile organic compounds (VOC) are used. The coating provides a flawless and smooth surface as a result. Polyurea coating enables good adhesion of the coating on the substrate producing superb finishing and reduces layer limitations, making it one of the most effective coating and painting techniques available.