Surface Coating

Surface coating for metallic structures or facilities is very important to take note of especially when your industrial facilities rely heavily on metallic machines and structures. What is surface coating? It is basically adding a layer of coating, be it decorative, functional or both on a substrate to enhance the properties of the substrate in terms of corrosion resistance, rust inhibition, waterproofing, shining and glowing characteristics. However the application of a surface coating is not as simple as you may think of, it requires a high level of professional expertise and industrial painting technology to ensure the quality of your surface coating is being guaranteed.

Metal surfaces are treated with paint which is the main ingredient in surface coating to prevent rust and corrosion from occurring. It generally contains three main components which are the pigments, binder and solvent. Paint is being applied either by roller, brush or spray on metal surfaces to form the coating required for protective purposes. Paint coatings are applied sequentially on metal surfaces after cleaning using water jet or abrasives is done and the treatment is carried out accordingly using industrial painting equipment (such as paint spray gun) and sophisticated techniques:

  1. Primer is applied to wet the surface of the metals and provide a good adhesion property before subsequent paint is applied. Quality primer also provides corrosion control properties as well to the metal surface.
  2. Intermediate coats are applied on top of the primer to build the total film thickness of the coatings as well as giving the coatings waterproof properties. This will reduce the permeability of oxygen and water into the surface coatings, thus enhancing the protective barriers for the coatings.
  3. Finish coat is then sprayed using air sprayers or applied using brush and roller on top of the intermediate coats. This process will give the surface coatings the desired appearance and enhance the surface resistance. Quality finish coat is usually required to protect the underlying surface from sunlight and moisture.

After the general paints are being applied to vast area of the surface, stripe coats are applied to welds, fasteners and external corners to build a satisfactory coating thickness which matches the thickness on other areas of the surface coatings. Finishing coat and protective coating are then applied as the final touches to give it a decorative purpose.