Metal Paint

Just like painting any other surfaces, the metal painting also needs to follow the laid out procedures and one of the criteria will be to choose the suitable paint. There is a wide variety of paints available in the coating market today to choose from in providing the metal surfaces at least the basic protection from rust and corrosion. Generally, the paints which are readily applicable to metal surfaces could be categorized into latex-based paint and oil-based paint.

  • Latex-based paint: This type of paint allows the user to have the comfort of dissolving the color pigments in water and not in turpentine or spirits which release the undesirable odor. Additives such as acrylics, vinyl, and rubber based compounds can be added into the latex-based paint to increase its durability and to dry faster. One of the obvious advantages of using latex-based paint for metals is the latex paint can be cleaned easily which will indirectly save time and cost of maintenance. Besides, metal surfaces coated with this type of paint does not catch fire easily, easy to retouch for maintaining condition and is applicable to most surfaces besides metals, sometimes even without the need to add one more layer of primer first.The finishing is customizable according to the purpose and desire of the user. However, latex-based paint is not as durable as oil-based paint and does not clean as well as oil-based paint too. The most noticeable disadvantage is it does not adhere to the glossy and smooth surface as well as oil-based paint do, a major concern since all metals are smooth and glossy.
  • Oil-based paint: This type of paint is a better alternative for metals compared to latex-based paint. Although longer time is needed for the drying process after application, it is more durable and provides better resistance to stains, chemicals, chips, and scratches. Surface coated with oil-based paint is easier to clean and also might not need the application of primer. Oil-based paint is very suitable for smooth and glossy surface since it has a high adherence capability on such surfaces. However, such coatings are generally more expensive and fade much faster compared to latex-based paint, requiring frequent rework on the surfaces for maintenance and upkeeping. A major concern is that such paint is flammable and it releases an unpleasant odor during the work process.

Depending on what surface finishing you desire, different types of paint can be used for different purposes. Metal Roof Doctor has all the required expertise in the area of metal painting as we help our customers in providing the best coating services for their metal-based facilities and infrastructures.