
Corrosion is a natural process whereby metals such as iron and steel have a natural tendency to combine with other elements to return to their lower energy states of brittle oxide form.  Perhaps most dangerous of all is corrosion that occurs in major industrial plants such as electrical power plants or chemical processing plants, leading to inevitable plant and factory shutdowns. This is only one of many direct consequences. Other economic implications include replacement of corroded equipment, contamination of products and loss of efficiency. A huge amount of expenditure would need to be forked out in order to combat the corrosion problem, which would not possibly be pleasant for fellow stakeholders. Moreover, corrosion bears a huge risk of intangible costs in terms of a company’s reputation as sudden structural or mechanical failure can cause explosions, release of toxic chemicals, and construction collapse which might cost innocent human lives.

Clear enough, there are more than enough reasons for wanting to avoid the dire consequences of corrosion problems. Here is where our company is able to add values to your company through our core service of anti-corrosion protective coating application and industrial maintenance. Metal Roof Doctor is a corrosion control engineering leader in Malaysia in the application of high-performance anti-corrosion industrial-grade hydrophobic coatings. Our anti-corrosion protective coatings have been used extensively for metal roofs, chemical storage tanks, gutters, and other building parts in various industry sectors namely Oil and Gas, Mining, Marine, Infrastructure and Structural Steel Industries. Metal Roof Doctor’s in-depth knowledge of corrosion engineering combined with years of experience is what defines us as one of the market leaders.

Our team of professionals values the culture of swift and accurate response to individual customer needs, honed through years of dedication towards relationship building and thousands of successful projects. Metal Roof Doctor has earned its place as a company that can be entrusted with an ethical and responsible workmanship. Do call us now for more information on our industrial anti-corrosion services!