Anti-Corrosion Coating

Corrosion is the surface disintegration of metals and alloys within a specific environment. Often, corrosion results in effects detrimental to the usage of the material considered and might lead to impairment of the function of the metal, the environment, or even the technical system of which these form a part.

Corrosion costs society a lot as it is extremely expensive and extremely wasteful of natural resources especially at a time of increased environmental and loss of human life concern. To date, corrosion remains the single greatest consumer of metals and among the oldest problems that have ever challenged the industrial world, causing loss of billions of dollars in many developed nations.

However, the massive costs of corrosion provide opportunities to users, manufacturers, and suppliers to reduce corrosion costs and the risk of failure. The risk of corrosion failure can be lowered in the producer’s facility by means of applying an anti-corrosion protective coating to the metallic structures of your buildings and equipment namely metal roofs, chemical storage tanks, pipelines, and gutters.

Metal Roof Doctor is the premier solution provider to your corrosion problem in Malaysia. Our core service of anti-corrosion protective coating application helps to substantially reduce the rate of corrosion and also strengthen the material and structural integrity. Corrosion control being our forte, we have absolute confidence and expertise in assessing and analyzing your facilities for potential corrosion problems. Once identified, the risk of failure will be evaluated from the perspectives of impact on safety, product liability, avoidance of regulation, and loss of goodwill before commencing on our corrosion control project.

Our protective coatings are of top quality in terms of its adhesiveness to the metal surface and its impermeability to moisture and corrosive chemicals. Best of all, the coating chemicals used are specially formulated to be environmental-friendly and are not poisonous to the human. Therefore, you can rest assured that your factory is free from any potential life-threatening corrosion failures at least for the next five to ten years before investing another minuscule amount of shareholders’ money for corrosion control.  Contact us now and let us tackle your corrosion problem!