Corrosion Control Malaysia

Corrosion of metals can be very costly especially when various building parts and equipment need to be replaced or if the failure of machinery occur and reduces the rate of production of a company or factory. Among the deleterious effects of corrosion include aesthetic deterioration, high industrial maintenance and operating cost, the recent trend of product liability whereby the onus is on the manufacturers rather than the users, product contamination, loss of valuable parts and effects on safety and reliability. Therefore, it is imperative to have a comprehensive corrosion control so that despite the inevitable cost of corrosion, its cost can still be substantially reduced.

Essentially, they are five methods of corrosion control namely material selection, corrosion inhibitors, cathodic protection, design and protective coatings. First and foremost, in selecting the right material to accommodate the specified functionality and environment, it is prudent to take into account the inherent corrosion behavior which can range from the high resistance of noble metals such as gold and platinum to the low corrosion resistance of active metals such as sodium and magnesium. Furthermore, the corrosivity of the environment needs to be taken into account to determine the rate of corrosive attack on a certain metal. For a given corrosion resistance of the material, as the corrosivity of the environment increases, the rate of corrosion increases.

Next, as for the corrosion inhibitors method, organic amines, chromates and silicates are common inhibitors used for stifling the corrosion current. The inhibitors are adsorbed on anodic and cathodic sites and specifically affect the anodic and cathodic process respectively. However, this method is favored in closed systems where the concentration of inhibitor is more readily maintained.

Cathodic protection suppresses the corrosion current that leads to damage in a corrosion cell and forces the current to flow to the metal structure to be protected thus hindering the metal corrosion. In practice, cathodic protection can be achieved using two ways namely an impressed-current system whereby an active power source is utilized to force current from inert anodes to the structure to be protected and a sacrificial anode system which uses active metal nodes such as zinc and magnesium which are connected to the structure to provide cathodic protection current.

The application of rational design principles can eliminate many corrosion problems such as designing components to operate at stress levels which are comfortable below the threshold stress for cracking. Moreover, when corrosion damage is anticipated, design can be done to maximize the interchangeability of critical components so that easy access can be provided when maintenance or repair is needed. Room of redundant equipment can be factored into the design to permit maintenance on one unit while the other is operating. This is especially useful when large machinery is critical to the entire operation.

As for anti-corrosion coatings application which composed of primer and topcoat, the functions of each layer are specific but interactive. Relatively thin coatings of metallic and inorganic materials can provide a long lasting and satisfactory barrier between the metal surface and its environment. In fact, the latest formulation of coating chemicals which are currently used by Metal Roof Doctor is toxic-free which is neither poisonous to human nor the environment. Anti-corrosion protective metal spray paint  can effectively ensure that even hidden vital joints are protected from corrosion.

Our core service of providing anti-corrosion protective coating throughout Malaysia for many years has enabled us to develop a keen understanding towards our customers’ needs. We understand the fact that corrosion needs to be controlled in view of the colossal amount of money that is expended annually for part replacement. Give us a call now and let us take care of your corrosion problem.