Corrosion Of Metals

Corrosion in its broadest sense refers to the deterioration of materials due to chemical interaction with their environment. The term corrosion is often applied to metals, even though at times to the degradation of plastics, concrete, and wood.

Corrosion can potentially bear dire consequences and effect on the current existing safe, reliable and efficient operation of equipment or structures such as metal roofs, chemical storage tanks, and rain gutters. Rather than just causing simple loss of mass of metal, failure of various kinds due to corrosion, if not properly maintained, might require expensive replacement parts despite the amount of metal destroyed is relatively small.

Moreover, the reduction of metal thickness will indubitably lead to loss of mechanical strength and structural failure or breakdown, especially when the metal is lost in localized zones. This results in hazards or injuries to your employees as well as loss of time in the availability of profit-making industrial equipment. Contamination of fluids may occur too in vessels and pipes due to corrosion. For instance, beer goes cloudy when small quantities of heavy metals are released by corrosion.

Even worse, as corrosion of metals may result in perforation of vessels and pipes, their contents may escape and possibly cause harm to the surroundings. For example, a leaky domestic radiator can permanently stain your inventories which will reduce the value of goods due to deterioration of appearance.

In order to prevent all these undesirable consequences from happening, look no further other than Metal Roof Doctor as we are among the best service provider of anti-corrosion protective coating in Malaysia. With service at our core as our driving force, we cannot possibly hope to be successful unless we develop a deep understanding of customer needs and provide an excellent customer service. Our diverse and talented group of industry professionals is there to help you deal with any corrosion problems. Call us NOW for more information!