Corrosion Process Malaysia

Corrosion is defined as the disintegration of a material or its properties due to a reaction of that material with its chemical environment. Corrosion most often is associated with rust and the oxidation of other metals.

Dealing with corrosion is a vital task to fight against the hazards of aging infrastructure. Preventing corrosion reduces both the economic and safety-related damages associated with the process. Understanding and implementation of strategies that prevent corrosion will decrease both the monetary and safety-related damages associated with the process.

There are three ways that can be applied in breaking the corrosion’s track in destroying the metal:

1) Establishing a Physical Barrier

Coating a metal surface with paint or enamel provides a boundary between the metal and the moisture in the environment, subsequently expelling the opportunity for both oxygen and moisture to interact with the metal.

2) Sacrificial Coatings

The process of coating a metal surface with another metal that will probably be oxidized is called sacrificial coating. The corrosion-prone iron alloy steel is normally coated with zinc, a more active metal, in a process known as galvanizing. Corrosion of the sacrificial zinc results in its oxidation; the iron is decreased, which renders it cathodic and inhibits its corrosion.

3) Anodization

Anodization is another surface treatment that fights against corrosion. The metal to be protected is bathed in a particular substance, and electrochemical conditions are adjusted such that uniform pores several nanometers wide appear in the metal’s oxide film. These pores permit an oxide film, thicker than a passivation layer, to build up. The resultant protective layer is very hard and exceptionally resilient.

Choosing the correct way to stop corrosion on facilities might cause headaches to some consumers. Why don’t you head out to us at METAL ROOF DOCTORS and talk to us about your problems? We have years of experience and an advanced coating technology to fight the corrosion and stop it forever. We will help you in selecting the correct treatment that will make a huge difference in facility durability and longevity.