When should you start take care your metal roof?

  • Prevention is better than cure. Good Timing is the period before roof rusting until middle stage of rusty. Fracture metal roof will need instant replacement.

Why should you apply treatment rather than replacement?

  • Coating, Repair, Treatment are far more Cost effective than replacement.
  • It prolongs Lifespan of the metal sheet cover.
  • Greater Cooling effect than ordinary roof & create cooler indoor environment.
  • Most importantly, It is Risk free.
    P.S.: There are no reason to replace new metal roof and risk your assets or operation machine underneath.

What you need to provide us?

  • Picture and information of affected total roof area. Or you can provide your address and contact number to schedule an inspection of quote.

How long the lifespan of the roof can be elongated?

  • It will be approximately more than 5 or 10 years based on followup maintenance and issued warranty of the finished product.

Why you should not do it yourself?

  • DIY or hiring non-professional will neither fix your problem & improve rusty metal roof condition. And there is no warranty or cover of lost. (After incomplete treatment, It will keep on rusting just like before treatment.)