Interior Paint

Applying paint on metal surfaces is very common to protect the surfaces from being eaten away by rust or corrosion.So the exterior of any buildings ranging from household buildings to industrial facilities is almost all being covered with a film of protective coating. However, it is also very important to protect the interior surfaces of buildings to ensure the ceilings and walls are fully protected from moisture in the end as well as provide a measurable outlook of class and quality.

Knowing the importance of interior painting will lead to the paint types and materials to be used. Each of the coating technique used has different functions and appearance depending on what purpose you want the room to have. For example, epoxy paint coating is usually used to provide durability and strong chemical resistance for the substrate. Hence it is normally applied on interior walls or ceiling where chemicals substances or materials are being involved in an industrial process so that chemicals accidentally spilled on the wall will not affect the condition of the wall which might also smear the appearance. If the room is used for purposes that require a high level of hygiene for example food and medicine industry, then surface preparation is very important in the coating process. The pores in the blocks have to be completely filled with primer to prevent the growth of bacteria which could contaminate the food or medicines which could lead to unwanted consequences. Unpleasant odour should also be eliminated as much as possible and low odour paint like alkyd coatings is usually used to prevent odours from contaminating the food products.

Besides the paint types and materials, colour considerations are also very important. Using coating paints with brighter or darker colours will generally affect the cost of painting and coating walls. Base colour which you choose to decorate the surface of the wall and titanium dioxide are balanced to achieve the degree of colours that you desire. The concentration of the pigment colours and titanium dioxide which have a colour hiding characteristics can be altered to achieve darker or more vibrant colours depending on your choice and additional layers of paints might have to be applied in order to achieve the desired degree which might incur a certain amount of cost. Besides coating with cheaper paints normally lasts shorter than more expensive paints so it’s a good idea to employ quality painting materials and techniques.

We at Metal Roof Doctor provide one of the best industrial painting services for our customers in all over Malaysia. With the use of the latest technology in this field, we strive to be the best industrial painting company which could help to protect your industrial facilities and taking away your worries.