Localized Corrosion Malaysia

Localized corrosion refers to the hastened attack on passive metals in a corrosive environment. In a localized corrosion, despite the material’s surface being under suitable corrosion control, the corrosion can still occur at localized sites where the protection has inevitably stopped working. Localized corrosion can be categorized into several types namely crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion, and intergranular corrosion, each bearing distinctive characteristics. Crevice corrosion occurs mainly in shielded areas and crevices of metal surfaces. The cracks in the crevices allow ion to seep through leading to a corrosion attack on unprotected regions beneath the surface.

On the other hand, pitting corrosion results in metal holes which might be large or small, or, close together or isolated. Generally, it can be described as cavities with diameters almost equal to the depth size.

Intergranular corrosion results in a uniform attack along the grain boundaries and are much more reactive compared to the matrix. In certain cases, grain interfaces are extremely reactive and can lead to corrosion.

In order to avoid these types of localized corrosion, anti-corrosion protective coating application on steels is nonetheless vital to provide barrier protection. Protective coating application, however, can be tricky in terms of the selection of coating types for different metal surfaces, handling of coating chemical and the integrity of the coating. This is where Metal Roof Doctor comes into the picture by providing quality protective coating service. We apply anti-corrosion coating for your buildings and equipment as well as reparation works should they been damaged to ensure that they are as durable as planned.

Our coating has good adhesiveness to the metal surface, making it a good primer. The coatings applied can work in synergy with paints to provide superior corrosion protection. Instead of spending tens of thousands of ringgits replacing metal components such as metal roofs and storage tanks, why not opt for our cost-effective solution which is guaranteed to ensure that your metal parts would not be corroded at least for the next five years? Give us a call now and let our friendly customer service gladly assist you from there.