Maintenance Malaysia

Metal Roof Doctor started as a specialist to solve all kinds of metal roofing problems that are faced by many businesses especially those in commercial and industrial buildings. The 3 main defects faced by metal structures are aging, rusting and leaking. What most businesses might not know is that instead of replacing their rusted metal infrastructure and surfaces with brand new metal, at Metal Roof Doctor we aim to treat these aged, rusty and leaked industrial facilities and maintain them using cutting edge coating methods.

Completely replacing old and rusty structures may seem like the most convenient and efficient way of handling your buildings but it will be a heavy cost to bear in the long run. What we do is that we have mastered the in-depth skill in anti-corrosion protective coating application to treat any structures that may require it. In providing our services, Metal Roof Doctor focuses on 3 aspects which are prevention, maintenance, and treatment. The prevention aspect will elongate the lifespan before it begins rusting as this will help maintain the health of your structure. After ensuring the prevention steps, it is most important that we routinely maintain your metal parts. What this will involve is routine checks and inspection that will be able to identify any possible places of rusting before they reach an irreversible stage. This is crucial as a small rusted area that is left undetected will be the reason your roof will rust even faster.

When your roofs or other metal structures, equipment or facilities face rusting, we will recommend our treatment that includes an analysis of the condition of the metal structures as well as applying the proper treatment to protect your assets. We advise that proper experts and methods are used in prevention and maintenance of your assets because the treatment that is not carried out properly would only waste your time, money and energy. Corrosion process will persist and eventually you will be forced to replace it if proper methods are not applied.

We certainly believe that even rusted metal infrastructure and surfaces can still be properly treated through a better method and that is our ultimate coating solution. Through the right maintenance steps taken, we know that we can help you maintain your infrastructure for an even longer period. We have had years of on-the-ground experience in coating and we are confident that we will deliver worry-free work and service. So call us today for any inquiries or to schedule a free site inspection today.