Maintenance Work

Are you concerned about the conditions of your facilities? In many places around Malaysia, you can see rusting and decaying industrial buildings that are still very much in use. If you are worried that your facility is or might be one of them, Metal Roof Doctor is here to help.

The main point of a scheduled routine maintenance is to ensure that we can stop your building metal parts such as metal roof as well as industrial facilities and equipment from rusting. This issue of maintenance is not just about looks, it is also about the longevity of your facilities and the machinery that may be stored in it. A poorly maintained facility may even lead to damages to your highly specialized and expensive equipment. It also can affect employee comfort and maybe even safety. And so, it is important for industrial facility owners to take notice and care with their metal roofs. Once a roof has reached a certain stage, the damage may irreversible and it may cost you a lot to acquire a roof replacement. With the ever careful and detailed maintenance work that we do, we can ensure that you would not have to go through with an expensive roof replacement.

Using our anti-corrosion protective coating service, you get the added benefits of not only increases the lifespan of your equipment and building parts, you get to save substantial cost of replacing them frequently or for temporary production line shutdown. Our coating service in most cases does not require the cease of operation. Therefore, this may help you in saving up on expenditure in the long run. It should be noted that to have a long-lasting and rust-free roof is not a one-time job. Proper maintenance comes with suitable routine checks and inspections that will allow for us to find any potential damages before it becomes a real threat to your facility.

Metal Roof Doctor is ready to help you in giving proper care for your facility. We believe that an early step in prevention is one of the best ways to deal with this. So call us now at 017-485 8073.