Roof Retrofit

Roofing system in Malaysia has progressed over the years. Among many other roofing systems, the retrofit system is known to fix different types of roofing defects. So, what is a roof retrofit system? Roof retrofitting means the installation of a new metal roof over your existing metal roof. In most cases, this system eliminates tear-off costs. Metal Roof Retrofit is a system that re-roof over an existing metal roof, covering the old roof without removing it. It is to build on top of the existing metal roofs hence careful study about the roofing truss and structural engineering support is needed, it requires specialized roofing construction skills and knowledge to accomplish. To put into simple words, it is to directly install a new roof to your existing building without having the hassle to tear down & replace the old roof.

Moreover, metal roof retrofits offer durability benefits as this system works well on roofs which have aged, rusting or leaking problems. This system is considered to be the best solution as it offers you the lowest cost alternative in comparison to other roofing systems.

The process of roof retrofitting is carried out step by step. Firstly, the fixing of the new roof over existing metal roof is done after a careful inspection of certain criteria such as the width, length, height, spacing and the exposure aspects. Following that, site inspection and analysis are done to determine the zone pressures before selecting a suitable new roof to use on the building.  Lastly, a proper attachment is carried out once the required spacing is adequate. Therefore, roof retrofitting process requires a careful planning, suitable design, and a proper construction.

Metal Roof Retrofitting is relatively safer than metal roof replacement because it skips the removal and replacement process. In this lovely country Malaysia, heavy rainfall is unpredictable, so the dismantling of existing metal roofing can be somehow risky to facilities owners. Let’s Imagine if your million dollar machines, production line, stocks, storage for factories or furniture and electrical appliances for household residence being completely or partially destroyed by the unexpected downpour. Ouch! Wouldn’t it be painful?

The roof retrofit procedure is not as complicated as it seems to be if it is carried out by roof experts. If you are looking for a trustable and quality guaranteed roof expertise to carry out roof retrofitting for your building, Metal Roof Doctor is here to assist you. We are skillful in developing the plans of roof retrofitting based on the defects identified besides providing you our best engineers to carry out the fixing works. Our retrofit system also can be employed together with anti-corrosion protective coatings based on your requirements to satisfy your needs. This way, the coating will act as a sealant to the contacting surface against moisture. We too ensure you that our roof designs will comply with your existing roof.

If your original roofs haven’t reached the critical stage that can’t be treated at all, we will strongly suggest you our metal roof coating treatment to stop leaking and rusting and to strengthen the roof before we proceed to metal roof retrofit. If this is done, the retrofit system will provide a double roof protection to your building, congratulation because the old roofs will still perform! If the native roof is too weak and not worth treating anymore, we will straight away proceed to the roof retrofit installation and let the original roof degrade itself slowly over time.

Why worry about your roof issues? We are here to provide a one-stop solution to all of your roof problems. Contact us now at 017-485 8073.