Polymer Coating

The polymer coating at Metal Roof Doctor is a thin film made of polymers deposited on metal surfaces that serve as a strong adherence with the metal and metal corrosion protection. The coating is very temperature-resistant, resisting heat up to approximately 300°C.  Polymer coatings adhere well to the metal surfaces. The combination between the coating and metal produces a high wear and abrasion resistant metal surface.  Polymer coatings have hydrophobic properties that help protect the metal surface from moisture and air penetration which can cause metal corrosion such as pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and intergranular corrosion.

At Metal Roof Doctor, the application of the polymer coating is an important process as an effective barrier against the penetration of oxidants. So we ensure the application complies with our Method Statement, involving the surface preparation and coat application. We promise the process of application to be environmental friendly by ensuring the material wastage to be reduced. Also, we do our best to be cost saving for our clients. Our installers are hired based on good performance at optimum amounts so less manpower can produce the best quality coating results. Safety of the coating can be assured as it passes standards of surface abrasion test and scratch test. The coating is mixed to standard to produce a surface with no entrapped particles under the layer, reducing surface imperfection and future repairs.

Metal Roof Doctor specializes in polymer coating with our 20 years of experience in the coating field.  We aim to provide our clients with quality coating services. Our coating material is chosen to ensure long lasting on the metal surfaces. We provide cost-effective solutions to industrial problems faced by our clients from repair to coating application. With our team of professionals with field experience of 10 years and our well established Standard of Procedure, Metal Roof Doctor is ready to deliver a quality protective coating experience for your business. Give us a call now!