Powder Coating

Metal Roof Doctor provides an alternative to the conventional liquid coating and it is the powder coating. The main benefit of powder coating, when compared to liquid coating, is the ability to produce thicker coatings without the effects of running and sagging. This adds value to the quality of work done during coating services for metal surfaces and structures. Powder coating on its own has the function of providing protection and attractive surfaces to the metals with its anti-corrosion coating and colors available.

Some of the properties of the powder coating services by Metal Roof Doctor that caters to Malaysia’s weather conditions and the industrial environment are the resistant to rusting from moisture and corrosion from chemicals.  In a long run, you would not have to worry about your premises needing much maintenance as initial preventive measures have been taken. Our powder coating is suitable for applications internally and externally such as our specialty in Industrial Metal Roofing, Facilities, and Tank Systems.

At Metal Roof Doctor we are proud to have renowned powder suppliers as part of our team in providing the finest available surface anti-rust coatings to fit for visual metal surface requirements. The powder supplied is of standard and even the equipment we use is certified to produce quality powder coatings spraying to metal surfaces.  Driven by our coating technologies, we are constantly adapting the coating equipment and application processes to have better improvements. You would not have the problem of corrosion and rust bothering you at least in the next 5 to 8 years future as we ensure consistency in every layer.

We have a team of trained personnel in industrial powder coating and waterproof coating and  who are able to provide our clients with the utmost satisfaction through the services’ workmanship. The team at Metal Roof Doctor plays a role in ensuring our product and service aligns with the mission of our company. Call us now for more information!