Protective Coating

You may doubt about the need to protect your industrial facilities from the danger of rusting metal and stress corrosion especially in the long term. This is because your business operation is being carried out smoothly and steadily when all the facilities and structures are new! When time passes, problems related to the mentioned scenarios will crop out and when you realized it is time to have protective coatings over the surface of your structure, it will be too late!

The industrial protective coating is essential to protect your industrial facilities and give your structures the resistance towards rust and corrosion. This is to ensure the workability of your facilities, as well as the safety of your workers are not compromised. The protective coating is being applied to the surface of the exterior as well as the interior of the building or structure of your facilities. This is due to the fact that corrosion and rust not only occurs on the exterior side but also inside the building as well which is normally not given much attention of. Prior to applying protective painting on your structure, the level of corrosivity of the external and internal factors have to be determined first from a scale of C1 to C5 where C1 denotes the lowest corrosivity condition and C5 is the highest.

Curious to know how both the exterior and interior environments affect the corrosivity on your surface structures? If your industrial facilities are in the vicinity of rural areas where the atmosphere there has a low level of pollution, the level of corrosivity due to external factors will be lower compared to industrial areas or coastal and offshore areas with high salinity. So a corrosivity level of C1 will be recorded for rural areas while the industrial area will record a C5 level. As for internal factors, heated buildings with a clean atmosphere like offices or shops will produce a low level of corrosivity as compared to areas with permanent condensation and high pollution. Just like the previous case, clean internal surroundings will achieve a C1 level of corrosivity while heavy duty operations involving fluids inside an enclosed space will achieve a C5 level of corrosivity.

Based on the recorded corrosivity level, appropriate coating using suitable coating membranes could then be applied as different materials could provide different levels of protection. Utilizing suitable coating materials under different levels of corrosivity is then of great importance to save cost and time depending on your preference and budget. Contact Metal Roof Doctor NOW at 017-485 8073 to protect your industrial facilities from corrosion attack!