Rust Inhibitor Malaysia

Rust inhibitor is essentially a chemical compound that helps to reduce the corrosion rate of a material, typically a metal or an alloy. Rust inhibitor stops rust and inhibits rust from taking place and prevent further rusting. A common mechanism for inhibiting rust involves the formation of a protective coating layer which prevents the access of water and oxygen from coming into contact with the metal parts. For instance, the building roofs, factory beams, and chemical tanks.

Our rust inhibitor paint coating service has helped numerous companies to efficiently cut cost for replacing rusted and inefficient plant equipment and tanks. You simply do not need to replace a well-maintained equipment or building part. This is how we fit into the picture by providing comprehensive solutions to your companies. With our specially formulated chemical coating compounds together with our certified and experienced technicians, you can rest assured that your plant or factory are protected against corrosion and rusting problem, with a minimum 5-year warranty to support it.

Furthermore, our rust inhibitor coating generally lasts up to 10 years, based on the feedbacks given by our previous customers. This means that you can enjoy rust protection for years to come without the need for parts replacements and ensure that your buildings still looks its best with each passing year.

Among other complementary benefits of our rust inhibitor coating includes waterproofing property as well as environmental-friendly chemicals. In our past projects providing metal roof and building maintenance services, often times the roofs suffering from rusting problem faces the issue of brittleness and water leakage whenever it rains, not mentioning a heavy downpour. However, all these are no longer a problem after applying our rust inhibitor coating. Our superhydrophobic coating increases the thickness of the metal roof by 60% when applied at both sides ensuring that the roof is strong enough to withstand heavy downpour and foot traffic. The coatings are able to seal the openings at the joints effectively and leave no room for water droplets to seep through. Next, our coating is toxic-free and conforms to the government regulation. Hence, you need not worry about getting surprise lawsuits for polluting the environment or risking the health of your fellow employees.

Protect your buildings and equipment from various corroding agents such as salt, moisture, carbon dioxide and other harsh elements NOW. Contact us for more information on our rust protection services!