Thermal Resistant

Our company’s mission is to help companies prevent their metal facilities, be it part of the building or the production line, from corrosion and leakages (especially roof leakages). With that in mind, we have refined our technical expertise through countless research and experiments to come up with the best cutting-edge thermal resistant protective coating and the best application methods available.

Our company offers heat resistant coating services to our customers to help protect and maintain their industrial metal facilities. Our staff are highly trained and experienced in this field, having mastered the required skills to handle any form of coating application required. The heat-resistant coating is capable of reflecting away most of the external heat rays and reducing the amount of heat absorbed. Less heat transfer takes place, creating a cooler internal environment compared to the external environment. The temperature difference is significant enough to reduce the amount of air-conditioning needed to maintain a suitable and conducive working environment. Thus, you can save on energy costs while promoting green practices by reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses.

Our company’s heat resistant coating comes with added properties of anti-corrosion and waterproofing, making it capable of withstanding harsh chemical environments such as the ones in industrial production lines. Once coated with our protective coating, metal parts have been lab-tested to hold out against a highly corrosive chlorine mixture – which causes corrosion due to chlorination – as compared to non-coated metal parts. This is an extremely favorable property especially when your factory is dealing with the storage or usage of highly corrosive compounds. For metal roofing, most people forget the little details such as the bottom side of the metal roof. However, we go the extra mile to ensure that the bottom side of the metal roof is coated with our protective coating so that it is completely protected from the elements. This way, the bottom side (soffit) of your metal roof does not continue to rust and become fragile.

Contact our company for more details on how our services can help you or let us help you now! Feel free to leave everything in the hands of our capable staff as we guarantee you only the best services to ensure our customer satisfaction.