Waterproofing Materials

Waterproofing coating is widely used to provide waterproofing properties for structures and roofing alike to prevent problems like corrosion and rust from cropping up, not to mention the possibility of leakage as well. Are you aware of the waterproof materials used in the waterproofing coating? And how will the different types of waterproof materials help you in protecting your valuable assets?

There are several types of waterproofing coating materials which exist in the industry today. This includes bituminous waterproof materials, EPDM rubber, Hypalon, polyvinyl chloride and liquid roofing. Each of these waterproofing materials has its own properties and functions which could ensure your building is properly waterproofed against corrosion and rust as well as leakage. Bituminous materials are highly sticky, has a high viscosity and waterproof which help to protect your industrial facilities by:

  • Providing protection for your roof deck against raining before the roofing is installed.
  • Protect your facilities from untoward weather conditions like water ingress through the ceiling and roof
  • Prevent the roofing from having contact with resins that bleeds out from the sheathing.

Besides the water repellant effect of using bituminous materials, EPDM rubber is also widely used as waterproof materials due to its heat, ozone and weather resistance properties. It is also resistant to chemicals like ketones, ordinarily diluted acids and alkalies. Therefore, it is suitable to be used for roofing membranes in coating your roofing surface as it does not pollute the run-off rainwater. Other than EPDM rubber, Hypalon which is resistant to chemicals, temperature extremes as well as UV light is also one of the most used materials in waterproofing coating. Liquid roofing is the application of a layer of monolithic, fully bonded liquid based coating on the surface of the roofing. Since it is a liquid, it will have to be allowed time to cure and form a rubber-like elastomeric waterproof membrane which is stretchable and has good water repellant qualities. The benefits of liquid roofing are:

  • Cost effective as it is relatively cheaper and last longer in comparison to other waterproof materials depending on coating system.
  • It has high performance.
  • It is safe and easy to apply due to its rapid curing and has good adhesive properties on all types of surfaces.

Metal Roof Doctor selects and applies the most suitable Waterproofing Materials to all our industrial maintenance and waterproofing projects depending on the application conditions. Give us a call now at 017-485 8073 for more information on our services.