What Is Rust Malaysia | Rust Definition Understand It & Act

Having problems with rust? Metal Roof Doctor is here to help you understand and act on it.
Rust is commonly known as a reddish or yellow-brown scaly coating of iron oxide that has formed on iron or steel caused by oxidation mainly in the presence of moisture. Rusting happens primarily to neglected iron metals that are exposed to moist or corrosive chemicals, which eventually ends up in a deteriorating, corroded or broken state.
What needs to be understood about rust is that oxygen and water combined over a period of time, on any iron area will ultimately transform to rust and collapse. This rusted surface is then bare and therefore serves no protection to the underlying iron. The oxides take up more space than the original metal when a rust coating forms on iron. This enlargement can produce massive forces, damaging structures made with iron.

Rusting metal problem is very common in industrial factories especially when corrosive chemicals such as chlorine are involved. Rust essentially refers to a very common compound that goes by the name of iron oxide which forms upon iron combining with oxygen, forming a brittle reddish brown layer. Iron or steel rusting is one of many forms of corrosion, an electrochemical process involving an anode that readily donates electrons, an electrolyte that acts as a medium for transporting electrons and a cathode readily accepts electrons. Iron acts as the cathode and combines with oxygen to form rust and to liberate electrons which then flow to the cathode.
Rusting of iron can lead to a myriad of perilous structural collapse and chemical leakage at the pipelines, metal roofs, and chemical storage tanks. Apart from potential economic costs of plant shutdown and retarded rate of production, rust could also be a direct cause of the structural collapse and subsequently death of many human lives.
After understanding the formation of rust as well as the dire implications of rust to appearance and structural integrity, it is nonetheless imperative to take preventive maintenance actions to avoid the problem of rusting from surfacing. One of the most prominent ways of acting to make sure the rust situation is under control is by coating and painting over it. This provides an extra layer of protection on any metal surface, which slows down and even stops rusting; as the base metal is made impermeable to oxygen and water with an additional layer of coated shield. This helps in increasing the structural integrity of the base metal which in turn avoids the area from continuously rusting. In addition to that, coating and painting helps reduce heat transmission and creates a lower temperature underneath the iron mass level. Hence, the coating system serves a dual purpose as thermal insulation and anti-corrosion protection.
Applying a protective coating is among the best solutions for this problem as it’s relatively easy, efficient and cost-effective. Metal Roof Doctor’s core service of anti-rust protective coating application does wonders when it comes to putting a stop to your rust problems without involving heavy wire brushing or sandblasting. Equipped with safe acid technology, you can rest assured that our coating would neither be harmful to human nor the environment or causes any irritation to the skin. Next, our chemicals have zero VOC (volatility of organic compound), meaning that there would not be heavy fumes or bad odors after the application of a protective coating.
Workplace safety is an issue that could not possibly be compromised due to the many lives put on the line. Rust, being the major reason for the deterioration of building parts and equipment should not be underestimated as the enormity of this problem is simply beyond estimation. Should you wish to know more in detail about our anti-rust surface coating application service, please do not hesitate to contact us NOW before it is too late.